Ound CaO Na2 O SO3 P2 O5 SrO ZrO2 Cl Fe2 O3 Concentration (wt. ) Cockle shell Scallop shell 99.170 97.529 0.438 0.565 0.117 1.568 0.096 0.204 0.132 0.107 — 0.027 — — 0.026 –30 m ?0.32 mm ?0.25 m (DB-WAX, Carbowax 20 M). Yield of FAME was calculated by: Yield ( ) = ?one hundred, (1)where is the mass of internal standard added to the sample, will be the peak region of internal standard, is the mass of your biodiesel sample, and would be the peak area on the biodiesel sample [9, 10]. The physical and chemical properties of FAME such as kinematic viscosity, density, flash point, cloud point, pour point, acid worth, and water content material have been analyzed in line with ASTM methods [11].Mussel shell 98.367 0.937 0.293 0.163 0.158 0.046 0.037 –3. Results and Discussions3.1. Characterization of Waste Shell and CaO Catalyst. The XRD patterns of natural and calcined mussel shell are given in Figure 2. XRD benefits revealed that the composition of organic mussel shell mostly consists of CaCO3 with the absence of CaO peak, as indicated by diffraction peak at two around 29.2 [5]. Nonetheless, with the improve in calcination temperature, CaCO3 absolutely transforms to CaO by evolving the carbon dioxide (CO2 ). The composition of calcined catalyst at and above 900 C primarily consists of your active ingredient (CaO). Narrow and high intense peaks on the calcined catalyst define the well-crystallized structure from the CaO catalyst [6]. The important element of the calcined waste shell at 1,000 C for four h was CaO species (Figure three). The result reveals sharp XRD reflections with (1 1 1), (two 0 0), (two 2 0), (three 1 1), and (2 2 two) orientations, implying that the calcined material was properly crystallized through the heat treatment approach [2]. The chemical compositions with the catalyst are presented in Table 1. The main mineralogical component is CaO. The waste mussel, cockle, and scallop shells-derived catalysts have concentration of CaO 98.37, 99.17, and 97.53 wt. , respectively. The morphology of waste mussel, cockle, and scallop shell calcined at 1,000 C was examined by SEM (Figure four).Table 2: The physical properties of waste shell-derived catalyst. Derived catalyst Mussel shell Cockle shell Scallop shell Surface location (m2 /g) 89.91 59.87 74.96 0.130 0.087 0.097 Pore volume (cm3 /g) ?Mean pore diameter (A) 34.55 25.53 30.55 Physical propertyThe organic shell displays a standard layered architecture [12]. Together with the calcination temperature rising from 700 to 1,000 C, the microstructures of all-natural shell are changed drastically from layered architecture to porous structure [13]. The calcined cockle shell and scallop shell showed similar particle morphology with all the calcined mussel shell. The calcined waste shells were irregular in shape, and some of them bonded collectively as aggregates.1222174-92-6 Data Sheet However, the smaller size of the grains and aggregates could present higher precise surface regions.Formula of 2-Methoxycyclopentan-1-one Considering the fact that all samples are regarded to be lessporous or even nonporous, the size with the particle need to directly respond to the surface region [14].PMID:24580853 The physical properties of the CaO catalyst are summarized in Table two. The waste mussel shell-derived catalyst had a big surface region (89.91 m2 /g) and pore volume (0.130 cm3 /g), and presented a uniform pore size. The cockleThe Scientific Planet Journal(a)(b)(c)Figure four: SEM photos of (a) mussel shell, (b) cockle shell, and (c) scallop shell calcined at 1,000 C.Yield of biodieseland scallop shell-derived catalysts present reduce values for surface location (59.87 and 74.

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